1 Select your course below and fill out the form.
2 Enter your information including your UBC ID code
3 Your UBC is validated, and you will receive an access email.
NOTE: If you need more/other courses or more hours just repeat the process.
Financial -Literacy Essentials NEW COURSE
Computer-Literacy Essentials NEW COURSE
OSHA 10/30 Hour Construction in both English and Spanish.
Registre Aqui para el OSHA 10 curso or OSHA 30
The four areas that are the leading causes of fatalities in construction. Falls, Caught-In or Between, Struck-By and Electrocution
Personal Protective equipment Bundle
NFPA 70E Qualified Persons Course
Contains a Bundle of NFPA, Focus Four and General Health and Safety. AEC LU57 Certificate
Laborfund.org Orientation Engilsh and Spanish NEW COURSE
MSHA Part 46 8 Hour Refresher.
Includes the: 5000-23 Certificate